My temporary job has kinda taken over my life, as it's full time and I am still tutoring students (online) in the evenings. It has left little time for crochet, which I really miss! More so now than ever before I really appreciate my time and my life being my own. I guess the motivation to earn more money from crafting and tutoring is greater now that I'm contracted to work for someone/an organisation other than myself! As my mum would say "stop moaning and just get on with it"!
This morning I was somewhat inspired by Remembrance Sunday services so I made a couple of poppies. I adapted the pattern slightly so the red leaves would appear larger than the black middle. I also added a couple of orange flowers to the mix; that particular crochet thread is quite fine (Coats 40, as opposed to Coats 20) and I like working with it.
In other news I have submitted a photo to Shutterstock, the website where you can upload your photos and people can download them for a fee, with the fee being split (not equally) between Shutterstock and the person who uploaded the photo. Again, it's yet another saturated market, where the more downloads you get the more Shutterstock will "promote" you. I do wish YouTube, Instagram and Etsy would help the really small businesses/channels/shops get a foot in the door, but I take heart in the knowledge that as many other ordinary people have cracked the market, so can I 😊
Until next week,